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New York Mets: You Have Got To Be F&^%$*) Kidding Me

Published by on June 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

And now for a conversation between myself and my angry twin (which one is really me is up for debate): Myself: Did that really happen? Angry Twin: Yes, it f%$#*&g happened. Are you blind? Myself: Yes. Angry Twin: I thought so. Myself: So, what does this mean? Angry Twin: It means that Luis Castillo is a fat POS who never should have been signed nor brought back to play again this year. It means that he is the biggest loser in baseball and also that this Mets team (a team that cannot touch third base or catch routine pop ups with the game on the line) will never win anything because they are, fundamentally, a bunch of choke artist losers with no backbone. Myself: It has been rough for this team, and that was indeed a ridonkulous play. ...

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