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Pete Reiser: The Definition of Hustle

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

In today's game of multi-million dollar contracts and an overall me-first attitude on the part of the players, it is easy to forget what hustle and determination looks like on the baseball field. One man who defined hustle, to the point that it was his undoing, was Pete Reiser, and he is a man too often forgotten in the baseball world.

The year was 1941, and the Brooklyn Dodgers were 21 season removed from their last pennant. Coming off a solid 88-65 season, the Dodgers needed a spark to propel them to the next level, and they found it when they handed the starting center field job to 22-year old Pete Reiser.

A part time player the previous season, Reiser shined in his first opportunity as a starter, winning the...

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