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Re-Ranking the Orioles’ Top 10 Prospects

Published by on June 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Where does the Orioles minor league system rank now? Matt Wieters made his Major League debut on May 29th. Nolan Reimold beat him to the punch and debuted on May 14th. Brad Bergesen beat them both to the bigs when he made his first career start on April 21st. Since Bergesen made his debut, so too have Jason Berken and David Hernandez. The problem with promoting some of your top prospects is that your minor league system isn't nearly as strong as it was, although I doubt you'll hear the Orioles complaining. Having Wieters and Reimold in their lineup is a permanent thing, therefore eliminating them as prospects. Same is true of Bergesen and so it appears Berken, who survived the cut that sent Hernandez back to the minors. But, Dave Trembl...

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