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Red Sox Make Teacher Proud During Season’s Start

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

My daughter, Kaitlyn, came home with her mid-term progress report the other day. Not sure why the teachers pick on her so.

Last time I checked 66, was not a C as she has been telling us since September. And she did do well in Music, Art and Gym. I'm sure that will get her into an Ivy League school.

In any event, her poor with an occasional gust to fair grades, has whet my appetite to grade the Red Sox at the end of the first month of the season.

Like President Obama's first 100 days, we grade a bit easier early in the semester as shrapnel remains from the previous administration (Can you say waterboarding?).

As the season progresses, for example, Brad Penny may be get his knuckles slapped whil...

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