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Roger Clemens and the “PED” Debate: It Continues Between My Ears

Published by on May 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Roger Clemens was, for many years, my favorite baseball player. I wore No. 21 for one year in Little League. I had his posters littering my bedroom walls and still have one in my office. I saved every article I could find about him so that I could read them later.

Clemens, as far as I could tell, was not only the best righthander in the game, but he was also the hardest worker. I enjoyed watching Roger Clemens compete, even when he was with the Yankees.

I was at Fenway Park that September day Dan Duquette presided over a ceremony for Clemens which turned out to be one of the biggest backhanded compliments that I can recall in sports. This dog-and-pony show virtually assured Red Sox Nation that—by blaring Elton Jo...

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