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Serious Consequences: What If Beltran Has Swine Flu?

Published by on June 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Recent news has broke that suggests Mets’ outfielder Carlos Beltran is soon to be tested for the virus known as “Swine Flu.” Beltran, who has been out for the last three games, due to what has been called a virus by the Mets, would be the first person in Major League Baseball to be affected.

Many people are starting to wonder what the next move would be if the star outfielder is indeed affected with the aforementioned virus.

We have to remember that a case like this has nothing to do with winning or losing. Fans all know that the Mets would be extremely hurt if Beltran is out, but if he is infected, everyone else might be in danger. That means that Carlos would need to be near the doctors who know ...

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