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Solving New York Mets’ Various Problems: Fire Howard Johnson

Published by on June 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

As a player, Howard Johnson was a very valuable commodity. He hit homers, was pretty clutch and he was a good leader in the clubhouse.

But, this story is not about Howard Johnson the player. It is about Howard Johnson the hitting coach. He just isn’t cutting it, and I think it is about time for the Mets to go a different direction.

One of the biggest examples of a guy that Johnson has done a terrible job with is David Wright. We all remember a couple of years ago when Wright had two strikes on him. Gary Cohen would say that the at bat was just beginning.

Now, we are seeing Wright with a terrible loop in his swing, and his strikeout numbers have risen drastically. He also doesn’t go the other w...

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