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The Mighty Fall of Tom Glavine

Published by on June 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

When Tom Glavine first signed with the Mets, I was hopeful that this pitcher who had tortured the Mets as part of the Atlanta Braves would be just as effective in our uniforms. Boy was I ever wrong. The Mets acquiring of Tom Glavine may have signaled his ultimate demise as a baseball player and possibly a legendary pitcher. The final chapter of this horror novel has just been written as Tom Glavine was released by the Braves and now is considering filing grievances against the team according to ESPN.com. One of the last 300 game winners that we may ever see has been released by the same team that gave him his start and who he helped pitch to a World Series title. But instead of bowing out gracefully, Tom Glavine wants reparations.

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