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The Red Sox Have Caught a Spark with Nine Straight Victories

Published by on April 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Right now the Red Sox are the hottest team in baseball. They have won nine straight games against the likes of the Yankees, Twins, Athletics, and Orioles. I know they do this every year when they start the season off cold then they get hot through the middle of the season then they get cold in July. I think this year they might just stay hot throughout the whole season.

Everybody has said the Yankees will win the AL East, but I don't think so because the Yankees over the last few years always get the All-Star talent, but are not able to do anything with them. The Rays really think they will have a great season like last year. Well they better check their record, "7-11," and make sure they don't stay consistent wi...

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