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Three Keys to the Seattle Mariners’ Playoff Run

Published by on May 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

They’re winning when nobody thought they would. Not the analysts, not the numbers guys, not the fans, not even the most optimistic of Kool-Aid drinkers. The Mariners are defying the odds by winning ballgame after ballgame, and in the process maintaining an iron-clad grip on first place in the American League West.

If they’re going to make a run at the playoffs and keep on winning throughout the summer, they’re going to need to tweak a few things along the way. We’ve come up with three big areas of concern that need to be addressed by the Seattle brass if this team intends to continue the ride all season long.


1. Consistent starting pitching, one-through-five. Right now, the...

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