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What David Ortiz and All of Us Need to Remember as His Slump Continues

Published by on May 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

We all have our theories on why bad things happen to good people.

I'm no different. I've had my good stretches and more-challenging periods. Last summer fell into the latter and will go down in the Book of Todd as one of the more challenging times of my life.

I just felt out of whack. Not quite as sharp as I'd been the day before and it seemed that my internal karma was out of sync. Where one day I would bend down and find a dollar on the ground, the next I'd bend down and rip my drawers.

Rather than fold up and wither, I found the intestinal fortitude to gut it out and manage, until I slowly came out of my personal slump.

But I'm not a baseball player. My work is noticed by only a handful a...

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