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When Will The Madness Stop: Defending Milton Bradley

Published by on April 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Not even 20 games and the Cubbie faithul are to the point of throwing Bradley to the hounds. This is a message to those fans who are calling for his head.

To start, let me flash you back to Jan. 6. The big headline in Chicago read something along the lines of "Milton Bradley to sign with Cubs." 

As a long time Cubs fan, my initial reaction was like many die hards that I had talked to.  The signing was at best a risk that might pay off. The idea of relying on a guy that has been known to throw numerous tirades was a little scary considering that the media coverage here as well as the die hard bleacher bums that will be behind him all season long. 

But for those of us that coul...

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