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Your Former Philadelphia Phillies American League All-Star Squad

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

While at a Phillies game with the guys from On the DL Podcast last weekend, we were discussing the All-Star ballot. The idea of voting for former Phillies in the American League came up and we all started to analyze the AL ballot to see if it was possible to vote for a former Phillie at each position.

Turns out the idea was not so far-fetched.


FIRST BASE - Russell Branyan, Seattle Mariners
Phillies: 2007, acquired via trade for cash

Played a whole seven games with the Phillies in 2007, but ironically played a key role in helping the Phillies on their way to clinching the NL East division.

In just nine at bats he hit two home runs, including a game winning two run homer ...

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