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All Time Worst NBA Draft Moves

Published by on June 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

With the 2009 NBA Draft just weeks away, there will be All-Stars selected, as well as those who just don’t make it. That's the reality of the NBA, and the uncertainty around how the player you select will perform is part of the inexact science.

LayupDrill.com is taking a moment this weekend to reflect on some of those who didn’t quite live up to the hype, as we count down the Top 10 biggest NBA Draft Busts Ever.

10. Danny Ferry—Second Pick 1989 (Cleveland Cavaliers)
Ferry has wound up being a much better GM than he was player, and although he became somewhat respectable as a bench player toward the end of his 13 year career, he certainly did not live up to the second pick status he attained.<...

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