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Andrew Bynum: Sit Down and Shut Up

Published by on June 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

I think ardent Bynum supporters are irrationally coddling a player without the basketball acumen he needs that will not come with time.

Footwork can be taught in part, but awkwardness can't be removed.

He doesn't have a nose for rebounding, you can't learn how to. Writers continually mock his vertical, as he doesn't seem to have one, or doesn't use it.

Please find me the last time a decent center got one rebound in 16 minutes of play.

I was reluctant with praise after Game One for the kid because I didn't get caught up in the 25-point win and wanted to dig deeper on the defense played on Howard.

I gave as much credit as most of the media gave Bynum after Game One in terms of presenc...

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