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Atlanta Hawks: How Flip Murray Has Replaced Josh Childress

Published by on May 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

As Josh Childress departed for Greece in the summer out went their best bench player, their one true offensive threat that could carry them while their mains were vacated on the bench.

To purify the wound they signed Maurice Evans and Flip Murray. Murray has been the more productive of the two during the regular season and the bonus land known squarely as the NBA Play-offs and has developed into one of their best options not only coming off the bench but during crunch time. Murray averaged 12.2 points during the regular season scoring 20 or more points ten times and has averaged over double-figures during the Hawks' postseason run. Including the postseason, the Hawks are 9-3 when Murray makes three three-point field goals with w...

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