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Boston Celtics: Fat and Sassy

Published by on May 10, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

What was your reaction to Glen Davis pushing that kid on the sidelines after hitting the game winning three in Game Four against the Orlando Magic?

Did you think the Boston Celtics looked foolish in their celebration?

Come on, does Doc Rivers jumping up and down in the middle of the Orlando Magic's home court seem tacky at all to anyone?

I'm in no way denying that Davis's triumphant shot at the last moment of the fourth quarter was clutch, but something about the Celtics reeks cheap to me.

I know they're mad about the Rafer Alston grandma slap to the back of the head, and perhaps concerned about Dwight Howard's elbows, but do team rivalries extend to the fans directly?

Does it warrant ...

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