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Cavaliers-Magic: Orlando’s Rafer Alston Finally Makes Them Pay

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

"Skip to my Lou" should know the drill.

Teams leave players open for a reason.

For most of his career, Rafer Alston has validated the roaming defenses that dare him to shoot with a stroke as icy as a fridge at a butcher shop.

His career 30-something percent accuracy from behind the arc has made fans wince, shudder, and scream.

How can this guy miss so many wide open looks?

Houstonians dubbed him "4-for-13" because he often finished games with that stat line. Fans struggled to appreciate his low-turnover floor game because he was so inconsistent at everything else.

Rockets supporters often flooded chat rooms, Houston Chronicle message boards, and sports talk shows to sla...

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