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Celtics-Magic: Doc Rivers’ Diagnosis Nothing but Excuses

Published by on May 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The day after the Boston Celtics 2008-2009 season came to an abrupt end, Doc Rivers gave some possible reasons why.

Better yet, excuses why.

Maybe I'm a little old school when it comes to this, but I am sick and tired of the excuses that coaches and players alike make after losses.

When Doc addressed the media on Monday at the team's practice facility in Waltham, Mass., he made it known that Celtics captain Paul Pierce was suffering from bone spurs in his ankle. Also, he let it be known that it could require surgery.

He also said in the same sentence, that Pierce could have played another "hundred" games on his ankles.

Oh yeah? Then why say it at all?

That wasn't the en...

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