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Come to Think of It: Clueless LeBron Shows Lack of Judgement and Remorse

Published by on June 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Hey, Detroit and Atlanta both shook hands with Cleveland following those series, yet LeBron James displays his immaturity by walking off the court, refusing to shake hands or talk to reporters?

And, to add insult to injury, his statements the day after the event only made me realize that LeBron doesn't really have a clue about professionalism and good sportsmanship.

Or marketing.

Apparently LeBron is too much of a competitor to shake hands with someone who just beat him up.  What?

Is he implying those other teams weren't competing?

Look, refusing to shake hands and then not admitting you were wrong after the fact is bad public relations, if nothing else. Of all modern athletes...

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