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Delonte West Would Start at Guard On the NBA’s All-Underrated Team

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

First off, I'm inviting everybody to give me their nominees for this list.

I figure it should go six deep because when you're talking about the underrated, there's always a sixth man.

I wanted to come up with a starting five of underrated players, but I'm having trouble finding guys who are actually underrated.

Millsap got his due this season. The Celtic big men not named K.G. have been getting a lot of attention with K.G. out, though I think Perkins might need some more. Hedo "The Turk" has become a little overrated. Same with Kevin Martin, who is very good but is getting credit for being something he won't be for at least another two years. Anthony Randolph is still too raw and has too much potential...

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