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ECF Cavs-Magic: More On Officiating—Reacting to Hollinger’s Stats

Published by on May 25, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

John Hollinger correctly points out in his column today that the free-throw numbers in Game Three of the ECF are probably more consistent with what we see in the playoffs every year.

I like Hollinger, and I like stats because there are some interesting and important stats, but the thing about stats is that once you figure them out, you have to take that next step and apply them. 

Hollinger forgot to do that.

To break it down, Hollinger wrote that Games One and Two featured particularly low foul and free-throw counts.

Now, the refs may have swallowed their whistles here and there and missed a few calls, but who says that's a bad thing?


What do we remember fr...

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