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How Kevin Garnett’s Knee Affected the Course of Five NBA Franchises

Published by on May 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

When Kevin Garnett went down with a right knee injury in February, Celtics fans saw this year's title hopes go down with him.

That's hardly news. Sportswriters around the country have been milking the "Is This the End of the Celtics?!?" story for months.

What you may not have considered is that said knee injury dramatically changed the fate of five other franchises for this season and years to come.

Don't believe me? Let's consider the following five teams:


1. Boston Celtics

This one's a no-brainer. If KG never got injured, he and the rest of the Celtics would still be playing right now. On the flip side, maybe we don't get to see the brilliance of Rajon Rondo in...

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