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Interview With Jeff Clark From CelticsBlog

Published by on April 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

For B/R/ readers: this was an interview for my blog, Celtics 17.

Thanks go out to Jeff Clark from CelticsBlog for answering these questions. Enjoy!

Celticsfanatic: What were your goals when you started CelticsBlog?

Jeff Clark: For the most part, I just wanted to create a place where I could connect with Celtics fans online and get people to read my writing about the team. 

It was more therapy for me than a business plan.

CF: CelticsBlog is now one of if not the most popular Celtics blog on the internet. Did you see this as a possibility when you started the blog?

Jeff Clark: Yes, but only because at the time (2004) team blogs were still in the...

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