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Is Doc Rivers a Good Coach?

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

I can remember when everybody wanted Doc Rivers' head. As the Celtics struggled to a horrible 24-58 season that included a 19-game losing streak, the fans and media alike used Doc as a scapegoat. He was vilified by everybody, and blamed for all the Celtics' problems.

"Doc doesn't have a set rotation," they said.

"Doc plays too many players, and yanks around their minutes," said others.

"Doc is running this team and organization into the ground," was the chorus.

Then something funny happened. Danny Ainge decided to forever change Doc Rivers' coaching legacy with two decisions.

First, he decided to give Doc another chance. At the time, Ainge said that he felt Doc did what he could wi...

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