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Lakers-Rockets: Oh, What a night!

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Oh, what a night—for physical playoff basketball!

I'm referring to Wednesday night's Game 2 of the Lakers-Rockets series.

The trash-talking, in-game and post-game tough-guy innuendos, and faux "sabre rattling" were also outstanding.

Of course, we all know that, with few exceptions, NBA players can't fight worth a lick. So all of the "You want some of this?" and "Kobe, you hit ME with an elbow? Don't you know I'm Ron Attest?" jabbering was actually pretty funny.

Speaking of funny (off on a tangent here), I found the Magic's Rafer Alston punk-slapping of the Celtic's Eddie House in the back of his head to be downright hilarious. It was the kind of move you put on your little brother as he...

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