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Lamar Odom: The Candy Man

Published by on June 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The Lakers are Kobe Bryants' team there is no doubt about it. Everything Laker revolves around him—he is the face of the franchise. But as we all know, all great players need a partner in crime—someone he could count on when opponents are gearing their defense against him. 

That second player is a person who can play two positions well. Ideally, it should be a SF/PF.   

You can make the argument that it is Pau Gasol, and not Odom, that fits the bill. 

But, for the Lakers that person is Lamar Odom. Gasol's game is more post-oriented, however Odom has the ability to operate more outside the paint and make his teammates better, just like Kobe.

If Odom plays co...

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