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NBA Finals: Orlando’s Game Two Adjustments

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The most vicious and serious statement that Michael Jordan ever made would apply quite well to Game Two of this young Finals (though not word-for-word):

"If [Kobe] was in a zone and tried to hit [81 points] on my team, he would be on his back every time on the way to the basket, and my whole team would have at least five fouls a piece."

This would be a great mindset for the Magic, often described recently as "weak," "tight," "young," and "inexperienced." They should play Kobe like this for the rest of the series, not just Game Two. If he goes down hard more often, his body will wear and it will be like the Mavs trying to keep up with Wade two years back, but with Kobe being stopped and the role being reversed....

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