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NBA Finals Preview: Lakers vs. Magic

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

You just have to love sports; there are no two ways about it. Still, I can give you two more ways to love sports.

The first way is that sports makes everyone think that they can see the future. Like me for instance, who saw a future that never came to be in a world where the Nuggets and the Cavs both won their series in six games.

I went from worrying about the mojo that the city of Denver has over Cleveland to adding yet another city that has mojo over Cleveland.

Let's see that list real quick:

Pittsburgh (decades of kicking Cleveland butt)
Oakland (Red Right 80)
Denver (the Drive and the Fumble)
Chicago (the Shot)
Miami (Jose Mesa)
Orlando (the Puppet Masters)

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