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New BR Feature: The Nutsack Report!

Published by on April 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

In an effort to provide equal time for those who prefer jock straps to g-strings, here is the first installment of a new, ESPN'esque series here at BR, the Nutsack Report. 

Our mission at NR is to answer the question: "why should blonde's with breasts have more fun and receive more coverage on BR than jocks with lead socks in their shorts?!"  Our audience is real men and the washer-women who walk one step behind them.   These men are secure enough to admit that they'd like to be a fly-on-the-wall in the locker room shower after a tough, sweaty game between black behemoths. 

We at BR cater far too much to the bitch-made punks who read our incisive, analytical reporting between monkey spanks while...

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