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Phoenix Suns: Back to The Drawing Board

Published by on June 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Dear fellow Suns' fans,

I say this with the utmost sadness and regret, but I have had the unfortunate feeling for a while that a deal is on its way. It will come after the Finals and it will be huge. It will involve either Nash, Shaq, or Amare. I can also almost assure you that Phoenix will not get what they want out of this deal.

At this point, I hope the trade involves Amare because he is the only player that we can still get value out of. He still won't get the deal that we Suns' fans want because the enitre league knows he's being sold.

Get ready for rebuilding folks, because that's where we're headed. Back to the Kidd years, the early Marion years, the, gulp, Marbury years. I am disappointed at ...

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