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The 5 Worst NBA Hair Styles of the 2008-09 Season

Published by on May 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

That’s right Chris Anderson cover up that hair. The NBA is filled will high profile image conscience athletes. Often there is more money spent on the athletes’ apparel for the walk into the arena than there is a in a government bailout program. Style and looking good is a big part of the entertainment that all sports have to offer. However, there are those rare athletes who have thrown styling and profiling out and kept bad hair in. Some of our choices here have obviously spent a great deal of time on their technique, while others just put on a cheap pony tail tie, that a five year-old would refuse to wear. This is the kind of stuff that makes Donald Trump and Don King laugh out loud. Hope you enjoy this short pictorial of this ...

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