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The NBA and Flagrant Fouls: Where No Contact Happens

Published by on April 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The debate is raging: Did Rajon Rondo commit a flagrant foul last night when he hit Brad Miller in the face in the final seconds of overtime in Game Five between the Boston Celtics and Chicago Bulls?

That Rondo's play would be considered a flagrant foul is insulting to anyone who really cares about basketball. 

What concerns me most is all the people screaming today that the foul should have been flagrant.  Have we created a league in which that type of foul even merits consideration for a game-altering flagrant call?

If so, it is a shame.

Today, I'm listening to people who cover the NBA for a living who honestly believe the play should have been called a flagrant foul.  They ar...

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