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What LeBron James Proved in One Second

Published by on May 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

May 22, 2009. LeBron James hit the shot to keep the Cavs in the Eastern Conference Finals.

Names for the shot are still trying to be thought up. Contestants are “the defibrillator,” “the shot heard ‘round the world” (boo), and as LeBron put it “the greatest shot I have ever made.” My personal favorite was offered up by ESPNs Jay Harris. “An L-Bomb. From L-Bron.”

No matter which name you prefer, the fact is that there was one thing and one thing only LeBron was out to prove when he released from 30 feet away with just one second on the clock: He is better than Hedo Turkoglu.

And finally did prove that. I know some of you may not be ready to take the ste...

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