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Will the Cavaliers’ Regular Season Success Translate to a Finals Win?

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

LeBron James finally received his long-overdue MVP award; all the past rhetoric of "He has to wait his turn" has now faded into the background.

Cleveland is now known as the town that James built.

It's been so easy for him. His style. His signature freight-train move in the paint. He can handle the highs and the lows.

He showed it when he scored 25 points in his first NBA game. He has lived up to the hype more so than any other player in NBA history.

He has known since high school that he was better than everyone else but coaxed and cajoled his less-skilled teammates into greatness. 

He's done the same with this band of Cavaliers, who would gladly ride his sneakers to a possib...

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