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A Silver Lining to The 2008 Season

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Alright, I admit after reading the headline to this article, most of you are thinking "what kind of rubbish is this guy selling?"

You may be correct, but in the NFL black hole that is post-draft and pre-camp, we've entered the point of reaching for storylines.  I'm game.

Let's be real, is another off-season decision for Brett Favre all we have to look forward to in the month of May?  I say no.  Let's talk Chiefs football!

The pain and anguish Chiefs' fans endured last season cannot be forgotten.  The replacement of our GM and head coach, as well as numerous organization changes in areas such as the scouting department bare witness to that.

Off-season movement including new ...

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