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Breaking News: Brandon Marshall Wants to Not Play For You

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Just a few weeks from his next suspension-inducing bit of criminal activity, Brandon Marshall has issued a statement to NFL teams that he desperately wants to not play for someone other than the Denver Broncos.

In his statement, Marshall announced he is offering an astonishing 100 percent some-of-your-money-back guarantee and a solemn oath to embarrass the bejeezes out of any team who is looking for a talented wide receiver who will play at least five games per season. 

Here is an excerpt from his statement: 

"I just want you all to know [stumbles, hurts old person], that I will do whatever I can [pauses, teeters] to help your team [vomits, checks pocket for car keys], but I do have other respon...

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