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Breaking News: John Madden Calls It a Career.

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

There are two ways I'll remember John Madden as a broadcaster.

On one hand, the man was an absolute marvel. No one, with the possible exception of Tim McCarver, stated the obvious more often than him.

In his later years, he became laughable, based on how many times he could injerject the word "well" into a sentence.

But for a man with many faults, John Madden was always entertaining, even if for all the wrong reasons.

He also breathed life into an analyst job that was severely lacking before his arrival.

Madden was the ultimate insider, and the first guy to really discuss the x's and o's of pro football in an engaging, and interesting way.

It was almost as if he was ex...

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