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Daily Haze: Sigh…Brett Favre

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

This has now officially become a deja vu offseason.

A day after texting Trent Dilfer an emphatic “NO” regarding his chances of playing this week, ESPN reported that Favre will indeed meet with Vikings’ coach Brad Childress later this week. Why not?

I mean, seriously. The same exact thing went down last offseason, just with a few different players (although the Vikings may have been the team Favre really wanted to quarterback last season). I am going to take the same stand—I want to see Favre in uniform again this year.

I know the drama and gossip and rumors get old. So maybe, just maybe, Favre will make his decision relatively soon rather than draw it out. Sign a contr...

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