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Falcon’s Defense Looks To Soar In 2009

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Atlanta’s defense did one thing right last year. They were successful pressuring the QB. Led by sack master John Abraham, Atlanta registered 38 sacks on opposing quarterbacks last season. This is a feat he will be hard-pressed to repeat this upcoming season though. With that in mind, somebody else has to step up if Atlanta is going to be successful pressuring the QB this year. Of the eight players besides Abraham who had sacks, no player had more than four sacks and only two of the eight had more than two sacks. “A good pass rush covers a multitude of deficiencies.” Now I’m not sure where I heard this, but I do know that this fit Atlanta’s defensive personality to a tee last year. The Falcons were tie...

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