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Formula For a Successful Redskins Season: Part 4 Of 4

Published by on May 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Part 4 of 4 - "Make the Special Teams Special":

Long ago, as a young boy watching the Redskins perform each Sunday, I can still recall the names of players who stood out each week and made a difference.  There are the obvious names like Dave Butz, Mike Thomas, Art Monk, John Riggins, and Pete Wysocki.

Wysocki....who was he?  Pete Wysocki was a free agent LB from Maryland who was a special team standout. 

Every single game Wysocki would make three to four plays on special teams that in some small way made a difference.  He played for the love of the game and gladly accepted and appreciated his role w...

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