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Jason Peters’ Departure Will Not Affect Buffalo Bills’ Draft Approach

Published by on April 20, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

No more than three days ago, the Buffalo Bills decided that the left side of their line needed to start from scratch.

The Bills have been as active this offseason as any team, and their latest move to rid them selves of the foreshadowed Jason Peters headache is one of the bigger splashes to date.

On paper, there are more holes than any of the previous 7-9 campaigns under coach Dick Jauron. Regardless of owner Mr. Wilson's boost of confidence by keeping the career losing coach for another season, Jaroun's Fire Marshall Bill (for the rare In Living Color fans out there) buns are burning on the hot seat.

Therefore, after the front office made bold moves by "cutting the fat", moving on without Derrick Do...

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