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Michael Vick As a San Francisco 49er? Hold That Thought

Published by on May 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

With rumors swirling around the San Francisco 49ers as a team possibly in the Michael Vick sweepstakes, I got one thing to say: hold that thought.

As much as it would be great to see Vick wearing the red and gold of the 49ers, is he worth the gamble and deserving of a second chance?

Vick, who was released Wednesday from the Leavenworth State Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kan, will serve the final two months of a 23-month prison term for operating an illegal dogfighting ring in Hampton, VA.

For those two months in which he will be wearing an electronic monitor as part of his probation, Vick will be working a construction job making $10-an-hour. A far cry from the millions he earned as an NFL quarterback for...

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