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Not Over the Hill Yet: Athletes Over 40 with Major Contributions

Published by on April 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

By Lee W. I bet you know some athletes. You can find them almost anywhere. There is a handful of good athletes. Athletes you can think out of the top of your head, Athletes that are nearby, athletes in the Olympics, so on. Another group of athletes is set apart from the normal athletes. These athletes are the best of the best. In this group is 48-year-old gunslinger. Also there is a man who was a leading scorer on his hockey team when he was 50. Who is this group of players? This group of players is amazing athletes that have had a major accomplishment 40 years or older of age. They are set apart from the sports world. It is so hard to be in this group of athletes that you might have to become a Masters Champion at 46 (Jack Nicklaus) or be ...

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