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Percy Harvin or Eben Britton? Which Star Player Should The Vikings Pick?

Published by on April 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The draft is less than a week away and the argument lately has been this: Should the Vikings get a play-maker like Percy Harvin or a need like EbenBritton? Let's get to the talk.

Eben Britton

The Vikings have been starting Ryan Cook for quite a while now and have had almost a million penalties. So far, I am getting tired of it. Eben has been a good tackle for the offensive line and I would really like him to be Minnesota Viking.

Percy Harvin

Like I said in the introduction, Percy Harvin is a play-making wide reciever. I would like to have him on the Vikings. Percy Harvin is one of the best wide receivers in the draft and is on a ton of mock drafts to be selected by the Vikings.


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