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Please Brett, Remain Our “Favre”-Ate Legend

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

ESPN is reporting that this week Brett Favre and Brad Childress will meet in an undisclosed location.


You can start the Favre watch again. I could not understand why the New York Jets released Favre from the retired-reserve list. It doesn't make any sense for the Jets. It didn't make sense for a guy who filed his retirement papers once again.  

There has been speculation that flights were going from Mississippi to Minnesota. There was also chatter about Bret's desire to play again, which contradicted his denials of a return. I am starting to feel like we are going to do this all over again.

The rumors leaked that Brett wants to get even with the Packers. I find that hard to believe. I th...

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