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Primate Linebackers In the Draft

Published by on April 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

This is humor.  For all I know I'm mixing round No. 1 prospects with rookie free agents and all are non-drinkers.  If this is factually wrong, hey, it I'm not pretending I know.  I leave that pretending to E!spn.

Brian Arakpo, Jayon Belcher, Cody Brown, and Larry English in a bar talking about being interviewed by the Patriots.

"Did you guys get that question?" asked Arakpo.

"You mean when Belichick asked, 'If you are in a room with a gorilla with three bananas, a chimp with a stick, and an orangutan which primate could make the transition to a 3-4 outside linebacker best?'"

"Yeah," said Arakpo.  "That was weird.  I said gorilla because he's strong and well fed." ...

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