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Questions for Eric Mangini, Regarding Wide Receiver Donte Stallworth

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

1) Do you believe that NFL players, let alone pro athletes, are getting away with too much these days?

2) If a man is way past being legally intoxicated, is driving over the speed limit, and then hit and kills a man...does that man deserve more than the punishment that Stallworth received?

3) Do you believe that Stallworth deserves punishment from the NFL, beyond the punishment he received from the courts?

4) How much respect do you have for Stallworth heading into the 2009 season?

5) With all this trouble involving Stallworth, will you make any attempt to get out of his expensive contract?

6) Since Stallworth is not going to jail for a long time, do you believe that he will fit i...

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