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Raider Fans: Who Is The Lesser Of The Three AFC West Evils?

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

In the past two NFL seasons, when it reached the point when the Oakland Raiders and the Kansas City Chiefs were eliminated from playoff contention, the San Diego Chargers were hanging by a thread, and the Denver Broncos looked to have the AFC West all but locked up, I secretly became a Chargers fan. 

Not in any game in which they played the Raiders, mind you, but in just about every other remaining game on their schedule. I would grind my teeth when their offense was in the Red Zone, I was panic-stricken when they were on defense with a small lead in the fourth quarter, and I was overcome with joy when they won. 

And it hurt. It hurt every time I caught myself rooting for an AFC West rival. But the fact is,...

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