Featured, NFL NEWS

Robiskie a No. 2 Reciever? History Says There’s a 36 Percent Chance of That

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL


There are a lot of ways to judge whether or not a college player will be successful in the NFL.  Prior to the draft, one can watch hours of tape, time the player’s 40-yard dash, and see how much they can bench press.

Another way is to use the draft as a proxy for success in the NFL.  If one were to assume that NFL GMs, as a whole, are good judges of talent (obviously some are better than others), and on average NFL teams have about the same number of needs at each position (e.g. every year 2-4 teams draft a QB in the first round), then one could use a player’s draft position as a representation of that player’s potential success in the NFL.<...

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